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We went to university together http://xnxx.in.net/wwwxnxx/ Www Xnxx   One effect is that fewer young doctors choose to go into primary care. Another is that existing primary care docs cram more and more patients into their schedules to make up cost on volume and, as a result, have only a few minutes to consult with each one (see Candice Chen, “A Day in the Life of a Primary Care Doctor,” page 42). “If you run a practice and have bills to pay—that’s going to weigh on you,” says Kavita Patel, a primary care internist at Johns Hopkins Medicine and former health care adviser at the White House. “I see twenty-eight patients in a day. I spend seven to eight minutes with a patient. That’s unrealistic—it’s crazy.”
Audrey 2019-05-28 06:50:28

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