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I don't like pubs http://wallpapers.in.net/ranimukhrjisexiwallpaper/ Rani Mukhrji Sexi Wallpaper   If we are intent on limiting “the bad stuff” to the public, how about we go one step further: we ban fast food. The obesity epidemic is far more alarming than cigarettes. Greasy, artery-clogging cheeseburgers are harmful to one’s health. Hundreds of studies have proven this. America is packing on the pounds at an alarming rate. The amount of saturated fat and calories in meals dished out at any drive-thru is enough to make you run to the nearest elliptical. And yet, we do not ban junk food. We can enjoy a Coke or Big Mac at virtually any public place of our choosing. Many venues sell them, even. I highly doubt the man toking on a cigarette several yards away will cause me to develop diabetes and high cholesterol. But a steady diet of fried food certainly will.
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Arlen 2019-05-30 10:01:28

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