I sing in a choir http://vporn.in.net/ vporn.  Although you appear to satisfy the provisions relating to capital stock and a reserve, you do not satisfy the other organizational requirements of § 501(c)(16). State has suspended your corporate status; therefore you do not meet the first organizational requirement of § 501(c)(16). You also have not shown that you were created by a § 521 farmers’ cooperative or that your incorporators were members of a § 521 exempt farmers’ cooperative, and as such, do not meet the second organizational requirement. Finally, your articles of incorporation state that you were “formed for the pleasure, recreation and other non-profit purposes authorized under § 501(c)(16).” As ‘pleasure’ and ‘recreation’ are not exempt purposes listed under § 501(c)(16) or the accompanying regulations, you do not completely satisfy the third organizational requirement.
Noble 2019-07-30 01:55:54

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