bCaOyvUJGWTJ 178
I really like swimming http://planetsuzy.fun/ planetsuzy.org  43. CAISO gave Day-Ahead awards for the hours in which JPMVEC had submitted self-schedules. JPMVEC’s bids in the intervening hours would typically be out of the money. But CAISO’s software needed to take into account the physical limitations of plants, including the fact that just as cars can only accelerate or brake at a certain rate, a power plant can only increase or decrease its output (i.e., “ramp up” or “ramp down”) at a certain speed, called its “ramp rate.” The CAISO system gave the units large Day Ahead awards every third hour due to the self-schedules and also gave JPMVEC Day Ahead awards in the intervening hours to respect the units’ ramp rates that JPMVEC had registered with CAISO. JPMVEC was paid as bid (via BCR) at the $73/MWh to $98/MWh prices it submitted to CAISO for the intervening hours.
Mickey 2019-08-06 17:55:11

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